Some photos from my phone taken over a month period.
I Found this jeans in Khols. Available for Sale of course. Priced close to $30. I am just wondering how they make these jeans? What kind of process woud be this? Who ever came up with this idea is a genius. "We tear what you wear". Do they sub contract this job?
My Son is 2 years and a few months old. One day he made this face all by himself. When we saw it, we were surpirsed.
Found this product in a $ shop. Could not resist. For a lack of better name, since most good names are usde up by websites and Chatt room users, they have started giving matter-of-fact names to products now. Rectangular FM radio? Does it play round the clock?
This lake lies next to our office parking lot. It froze during the snowy days. Took the photo from the car itself, from the middle of the road.
Some wild cherries in snow. 'Frozen dessert' anyone?
This building is in Chicago downtown. If you look closely you will see how they have parked cars at lower levels.